As most of you know, we regularly produce videos of our travels. This one happens to be about our time in Sainte Anne where we spent a signifiant amount of time with our dear friends Kathy Brandel and Ralph Hendry, the two sailors who went missing on February 18, when their boat was boarded by three escaped criminals. We can’t express our grief enough but wanted this to be a reminder of the two wonderful people they were. READ the Official News on the Event here
Martinique Sailing & Cruising Video
Sailing from Grand Anse to Sainte Anne
After spending a week in all of the Martinique Anses, we left Grand Anse early one morning, and began our sail to Sainte Anne.
It was unusually cloudy and rainy but sailing in it was better than sitting in the anchorage in the rain!

On our way to Sainte Anne, we had hoped to stop at Diamond Rock to snorkel, but due to the sea conditions, we had to just make it a drive by. Diamond Rock is a 574 ft tall uninhabited island located south of “Grande Anse du Diamant”.
At certain times of day, Diamond Rock reflects the sun so brilliantly it resembles a diamond sparkling. During the Napoleon ward, it was commissioned by the British Empire’s Royal Navy as HMS Diamond Rock, a “stone frigate”.
Sainte Anne Martinique Anchorage

After arriving in Sainte Anne, we anchored and set off exploring. Our first stop was Pirates Beach & Restaurant. Great food, a floating dinghy dock, water toys, and of course Pirate Lore. And we spied a Kontiki looking boat – everyone knows that story right?
A bit further down the beach was a park and a great place to go for a swing. It also is the trailhead for the hike to Salines Beach.
Grocery in Sainte Anne was once again C-store like.
Laundry was awesome! Several sizes of machines to choose from AND you didn’t need quarters!
School seemed to be very well run.
That night, we hung out with fellow cruisers, Kathy Brandel and Ralph Hendry. We met them last summer in Block Island NY, and loved hanging out with them. Even partied with some locals. That night, the view of the lighted bay was a sight to behold.

Some rainy days kept us on the boat for a couple days. So, we filled the time with boat projects and I caught up on some work. After the storms, a boat anchored behind us hitched a ride with a tow boat. We notice they were anchored far out. Must have sailed in without engines.
We did manage to do a major stock up trip in the town of Genipa, a modern new mall with the largest Carrefour in Martinique! $1254 Euro! Yikes. Better last us a few months.
Hiking in Sainte Anne Martinique
We did two fantastic hikes from Sainte Anne.
The first was to Salines Beach – a 7 mile round trip all day adventure. Fascinating plants, a beach stop every mile or so – some nude beaches (btw, all of the beaches in martinique are clothing optional), great views, and a reward at the end you will need to watch the video to see.

During the hike, we also saw a worship hut – small little devotional niches where you can offer a prayer. We saw these not just on the hike, but also in the town.
The second was a hike with Kathy and Ralph to Savanes de Petrifications , one of the oldest parts of Martinique.
The area looks like the moon! Desert sands contrast with the rest of island. Multi colored rocks are strewn around.

It is located on the site of a very old volcano of which the Morne des Pétrifications which rises to 119 meters is one of the remains. In front is the Table du Diable, a huge rock that has risen from the waves offshore.
That same day, we toured the Trois Rivieres Rum Distillery. It was a historic tour of a non-operating site. It included a rum tasting and of course, we could not resist a little purchase.
Read about Seven more Martinique anchorages we visited.